Dear Member,
Ref: Member Code of Ethical Conduct
The Board of Directors has adopted a Member Code of Ethical Conduct, a copy of which is attached to this message. This Code has been developed to provide a clear set of guidelines for ethical personal conduct in your daily horological pursuits, whether in business, attendance at NAWCC sponsored meetings and events, in personal contact with any member or non-member, or in correspondence or dialogue in any venue whether public or within the NAWCC.
What is the difference between ethics and conduct? Ethics is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad, and with moral duty and obligation. Conduct describes your actual interactions in society. The NAWCC cannot regulate or provide guidance regarding your ethics; however, by this Code it defines what is acceptable conduct.
This Code applies to every NAWCC member. Each of us represents the NAWCC when we say we are a member, and it is important that we all understand that if we wish to draw new members and retain current members, our Association has to maintain a good public and private reputation for honesty and integrity. We trust that this Code will help both you and the Association to enjoy the benefits that come from a trustworthy reputation.
Thank you for your attention. Should you have any question regarding any point of the Code, please contact a member of the Board for clarification or explanation.
Board of Directors, NAWCC
Attachment: Member Code of Ethical Conduct, NAWCC
On joining or renewing membership with the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. (NAWCC), every member undertakes an obligation to uphold its purposes and to conduct oneself in an exemplary manner in the horological community. Acceptance and continuation of membership shall be conditional upon acceptance and adherence to the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Standing Rules of the NAWCC as may be amended from time to time, and this Member Code of Ethical Conduct (hereinafter known as the Code).
Every member is bound to adhere to this Code, which establishes the standards for ethical conduct for NAWCC member activities related to horology. The Code is founded on the principles of honesty, integrity, fairness, respect, courtesy and trust in interpersonal relationships, business transactions, publication of horological works, and interface with the public. It is intended for the Code to be recognized as a standard for the organized horological community.
A. General Conduct
1. Members shall conduct themselves in a way that brings no reproach or discredit to the NAWCC, any NAWCC Chapter, any other NAWCC member, any member of the public, or to themselves and in so doing shall abide by federal, state and local laws in the pursuit of their horological interests.
2. Members shall show respect to every individual and not engage in personal attacks of any kind against any other person or organization in any public forum, newsletter, Internet venue, chapter meeting, regional or national event, documentation or publication. For example, it is acceptable to debate issues and philosophies, but not the character of people or entities.
3. Members shall support the collection and preservation of horological items and knowledge, not engage in activities that encourage the loss of these to posterity, and shall take reasonable and proper care of all horological items in their possession.
4. Membership in the NAWCC does not constitute any representation or warranty by the NAWCC to such member or any other person. Members may use the NAWCC logo or name in a manner that reflects their status as a member, such as “Member, NAWCC”. However, no NAWCC logo or name may be used for personal or monetary gain in any way.
5. Members shall report unethical conduct and violations of this Code to the NAWCC Ethics Committee as directed in Section D, Complaint Policy.
6. Members shall not allow others to use their badge or membership identification in any way, including but not limited to entrance to any NAWCC activity, listing of any horological merchandise on any NAWCC or other Internet venue, or access any NAWCC Internet venue that is reserved for members only.
B. Business Transactions
1. Members shall conduct all business transactions in an open, honest, and transparent manner, shall properly identify themselves, and shall:
a. Provide the buyer with all known information regarding any item offered for sale, trade or other purpose, clearly stating its condition and provenance and clearly identifying all known or suspected alterations, substitutions, or reproduction items;
b. Refuse to buy, trade, or sell horological items for which the ownership is questionable. Information on suspected stolen items shall be reported promptly to the proper law enforcement authorities;
c. Whether the buyer is present or cannot be present to personally inspect the item before the sale, provide a reasonable period of unconditional return in “as received condition” for all transactions with the buyer paying postage and insurance as may be required.
2. Members are prohibited from:
a. Misrepresenting any form of payment for goods purchased, failing to pay for items sold in good faith, theft, or otherwise defrauding any other member, non-member, or entity;
b. Manufacturing and/or selling a counterfeit item as an original. The sale of such items being a criminal offense under Federal law, their presence for sale will not be tolerated at any NAWCC function;
c. Knowingly participate in any way in the advertisement, sale or trade of any horological items using deceptive practices such as false or misleading claims of scarcity, age, value, condition, investment potential, and misrepresentation of a sale when in fact no change of ownership occurred;
d. Knowingly selling, producing, or advertising reproduction or replica items in any form unless such items are clearly identified as reproductions or replicas.
e. Representing themselves as appraisers that are authorized, certified, or licensed by the NAWCC.
3. Members shall agree to read, understand, and abide by the Mart and Auction rules for all official NAWCC functions.
4. When entrusted to repair horological items, members shall make a good faith effort to notify the owner of all work to be performed or parts requiring repair or replacement prior to starting work on the item.
5. Only persons or members who have been officially verified by the NAWCC School of Horology regarding their watchmaking and/or clockmaking skills may represent themselves or their businesses in any way that implies the NAWCC has approved, sanctioned or otherwise certified their expertise and skills. However, the NAWCC provides NO warranty for goods and/or services offered by such persons or members. Further, participation in NAWCC Field Suitcase Workshops does NOT provide any degree of verification or certification.
C. Publications
1. Members preparing scholarly works, articles or other material for publication shall clearly document all source material and shall not engage in plagiarism. It is the responsibility of the author to correct errors in published articles. Such errors shall be corrected in future publications.
2. Should an author desire to use Copyrighted source material, it is his responsibility to secure permission for such use from the Copyright owner, warrant to NAWCC that such permission has been granted and that the proper form has been used in the credit line.
3. Members who hold positions of governance or authority in the NAWCC shall not receive any special consideration regarding publication of materials they may author.
D. Complaint Policy
1. Complaints can be initiated between members or by non-members against members. Complaints against non-members must be taken to civil authorities.
2. All complaints shall be initiated by a signed original statement submitted to the NAWCC, Inc., Attention: Ethics Committee Chair, 514 Poplar Street, Columbia, PA 17512-2130. Registered mail, return receipt requested is strongly recommended. Complaints submitted by E-mail, phone, fax, etc. will not be considered. The current Member Code Complaint procedure may be found on the NAWCC website at under Member Central > Member Resources > Member’s Documents.
3. After reviewing a complaint the Ethics Committee may suspend or partially suspend member privileges (duration not to exceed six months) pending resolution of the matter, or decline action if it considers the complaint unwarranted. If the Ethics Committee declines to take action, the complainant may within 30 days appeal the decision in writing to the Board of Directors (Board): NAWCC, Inc., Attention: Secretary, Board of Directors, 514 Poplar Street, Columbia, PA 17512. Any Ethics Committee decision that is appealed to the Board shall be stayed until action is taken by the Board. unless section (D) (5) of the Code is implemented. All decisions of the Board are final.
4. Members agree that when deemed appropriate by the Ethics Committee, disputes may be resolved by binding arbitration.
5. The Board or their designees may temporarily impose penalties for obvious and/or flagrant violations of the Code during the time that the complaint process is underway.
Member and Public Education, Code Maintenance, and Enforcement
A. By approval of this Code, the Board directs the Executive Director to ensure that:
1. All new members will receive a copy of the current Code in their membership package.
2. The Code is prominently linked in the home page of the NAWCC web site, and is published at least annually in an NAWCC publication available to all members.
3. All policies and procedures pertaining to the Code are easily accessible to all members and the general public, through electronic means and by mail.
B. The Board shall ensure that the Code and all associated policies and procedures are reviewed at least bi-annually for the purpose of maintaining its relevance to the Association and its members.
C. The Board shall approve policies and procedures to ensure that:
1. A structure and procedures are in place to receive and address all complaints.
2. All complaints that are registered receive prompt and unbiased handling.