5 Easy Steps
Donating Objects to the National Watch and Clock Museum
The Museum is always happy to consider donations that will enhance the breadth and depth of its collections. We look forward to meeting prospective donors and adding wonderful objects. The following steps will guide you through our collection procedures:
1. Accumulate as much information as possible about your planned donation. For example: maker, age, condition, history of ownership (provenance), etc. If possible, take clear and detailed photographs.
Request / Download and complete a Temporary Custody Form
2. Please contact the Curator of Collections, either via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at the address found below; or by telephone at (717) 684-8261 ext. 203.
Please do not drop off or mail objects without first contacting the museum - we want to make sure that your potential gift is properly identified and cared for.
3. The Curator of Collections will discuss your donation with the Museum Director and NAWCC, Inc., Executive Director. The Curator of Collections will then contact the donor regarding the status of their proposed donation.
4. If an object is approved by the Museum staff for accession, it is presented to the Board Museum Collection Committee for approval.
Have your object appraised by an independent third party. The Museum cannot provide appraisals for your donation.
Request / Download and complete a Certificate of Gift Form
Request / Download and complete an Accession Questionnaire
Review IRS tax laws governing the donation of property
5. If approved for accession, the Curator of Collections will contact the donor to arrange for the transfer of the donation to the museum and will provide the donor with a signed Certificate of Gift form transferring legal title to the museum.
If not accepted, the proposed donation will be returned to the donor or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the donor's wishes. Limited storage space, duplication of objects in the collection, and the condition of the offered piece affect our decision to accept an object.
This process usually takes between four (4) and six (6) weeks. Please plan accordingly.