Children's Library

Children's LibraryA long awaited children’s section in the Library & Research Center has become a reality thanks to a generous donation from Carolina Chapter 17. With the funds provided by Chapter 17 we have been able to purchase two bookshelf units specifically designed for children’s books and increase the number of appropriate books for children from 10 to more than 50. With the remaining funds we hope to purchase more books and activities that relate to time, science, technology, astronomy, and inventions. This new addition moves the Library & Research Center one step closer to fulfilling the educational aspect of our mission statement

We Need Your Help

The membership has always been extremely supportive of the Library & Research Center, and we are very grateful for all the support we have received. The children’s library is another area that can use your support. We would greatly appreciate any children’s materials that you may wish to donate. Remember, children are our future. Help to us stimulate their interests.




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