

Library and Research

Library Catalog 
Search the library's catalog.

Timely Topics -- In progress
Hamilton's employee watch publications from the early 1940s to 1960s.

Video Programs
List of the video programs available from the library.
Listing of NAWCC Webinars available for viewing.

Technical Information
List of the technical information available in the library, arranged alphabetically by company.  Includes set-up and troubleshooting instructions, parts catalogs, and price lists.


NAWCC Book Listing
Complete listing of all books and/or exhibit guides published or produced by the NAWCC.

Pennsylvania Clocks 1750-1850
by J. Carter Harris. An NAWCC special exhibit from 2002

Military Timepieces
by Commander William R. Bricker and the Society of Military Horologists NAWCC Chapter 143.  An NAWCC special exhibit from 2001.


Museum Collection
Search the Collection.

Museum Videos
Watch video footage of selected items in the collection.

The National Watch and Clock Museum on Facebook

NAWCC Chapters
A list of the chapters of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors.

Pocket Watch Horology
This informative Website was constructed by Chapter 174 as an expression of their mission to foster and support horological research on pocket watches; a mission which also included seminars, Bulletin Articles and full length monographs.

NAWCC Business Member Directory
Search for business members of the NAWCC in your area.

The NAWCC's watch blog and database.

Message Board
Post questions, discuss horology, and find out what members think your timepiece is worth.

Horology the Index
The most extensive collection of horological resources on the internet.

The Waltham Watch Serial Number Lookup
A searchable database of Waltham Watch Serial Numbers 

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Library and Research
The Keystone Magazine - in progress
Digital files of every issue published from 1889 to 1912.
Seth Thomas Tower Clock Records
Scans of the ledgers containing records of the tower clocks produced and sold by the Seth Thomas Tower Clock Company from the years 1873 to 1941.
Access over 150 videos from the library's collection online.
The NAWCC Library & Research Center partnered with the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History Archives Center to digitize and make available the clock records of the E. Howard Company. 
Look up information about a Hamilton watches by serial number or grade.
View scans of Hamilton catalogs, pricelists, and finishing department records (scanning in progress)
Timely Topics -- In progress
Hamilton's employee watch publications from the early 1940s to 1960s.
Current Issues of the Watch & Clock Bulletin and NAWCC Mart
View PDF scans of issues of the Bulletin from 1943 to the present
View the current Mart & Highlights and issues from the past year.
Search the Bulletin index by keyword.
Twenty-five book-length NAWCC publications, distributed to members as supplemental research work.
A series of articles, beginning in 1996, about timekeeping on American railroads.
An archive of members' stories about the timepieces that started their collections.
Short videos illustrating the various functions of the Engle Clock and a 30 minute presentation about the clock.
Jim Michaels, the Director and Head Watch Instructor of the NAWCC School of Horology, opened 11 of the presidential watches that were part of the Time in Office exhibit and commented on their condition and uniqueness.