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Help us raise $500,000 in cash for the For All Time Endowment Campaign and guarantee $20,000 in dedicated annual earning distributions to support the programs and projects that continue the horological educational mission of the NAWCC.

Make a cash donation today to the For All Time Endowment Campaign and your donation will be matched dollar for dollar by an anonymous donor, grow the NAWCC’s endowment principal, generate income for today, and guarantee income for tomorrow.
Your matched cash donation will provide a long-term, stable, and predictable source of funding that allows our community to focus on innovation, develop technologies, and provide high-qualityprograms and services.
Cash contributions to any of the endowment funds listed below will be matched by the generous donor:
NAWCC: Your matched contribution will fund and help foster ongoing support for the promotion of research, scholarship, and expansion of the programs that encourage and stimulate interest inthe art and science of horology.
Education: Your matched contribution will fund and help foster ongoing support for the design, development, and implementation of high-quality educational programs, the sharing of knowledge from experts in every aspect of horology, and the expansion of our outreach to students, amateurs, and professionals.

The Library: Your matched contribution will fund and help foster ongoing support for the development and use of new technologies that increase access to the NAWCC’s comprehensive resources and disseminate knowledge throughout the international community.

The Museum: Your matched contribution will fund and help foster ongoing support for the exhibits and collections that enable the exploration of the mysteries of time and promote horology.

Opportunities to support the following specific endowed positions/programs also exist:

Museum Director Endowed Position – the NAWCC is seeking a single or multiple contributors to the Museum Director Endowed position. It is desired that the position will become a named, endowed title with honor. $2,500,000

Digital Archivist Endowed Position – the NAWCC is seeking a single or multiple contributors to the Digital Archivist Endowed position. It is desired that the position will become a named, endowed title with honor $1,000,000

Fred Tischler Online Workshop Program Endowment – the NAWCC is seeking a single or multiple contributors to the Fred Tischler Online Workshop program. $500,000

Donate online today, or please contact Rebecca Hickey, Director of Development, 717.684.8261 x 204 if you would like to discuss one of these opportunities with a member of the Campaign team.

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