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Please Take Note




The NAWCC is following the State Closure requested by Governor Tom Wolf. There are staff working remotely to check and respond to member phone messages and emails. Please be patient during this time. There may be some delay in responses, but someone will reach out to you. Thank you for understanding and working with us. Stay safe! (link: A Message from the Chairman)

NAWCC Planned Events.

The NAWCC recognizes that members may be concerned about attending NAWCC planned events. The risks and most up-to-date information about the Coronavirus and other infectious diseases is available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (WWW.CDC.GOV) which we encourage members to monitor. Many events are still proceeding as planned. Those postponed or canceled are identified under each event title. Please check back often for current status. As new information becomes available we will continue to update this message.


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Help us raise $500,000 in cash for the For All Time Endowment Campaign and guarantee $20,000 in dedicated annual earning distributions to support the programs and projects that continue the horological educational mission of the NAWCC.

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1,500 Pounds More than Your iPod

Columbia, PA: Before you could carry thousands of songs in your pocket, there were CD players, cassettes, and eight-tracks. Before that, there were record players and gramophones. Even before that, there were orchestrions.

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1,500 Pounds More than Your iPod